Friday, June 26, 2009

Back in Business!

Hello My Sweets,

I've been away from the blog, but I just want to say thanks for tuning in to The Candy Show, Season 3. I've had to take a little time off earlier this year, but I want y'all to know Candy is back in business.

I'm proud to announce that I've joined the Thursday night company of fabulous gals at Lavish Lounge. Host Mimi Imfurst and the girls have all been wonderful, and I look forward to seeing you all out in the audience each week!

The CD is almost complete, and I'm shooting for a September release...and I'm in talks to perform in New Orleans for Southern Decadence this Labor Day Weekend.

There's plenty of Candy to satisfy your sweet tooth! Y'all take care and remember to be sweet!

Hugs and Hershey Kisses,