Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Camp Starlight Needs YOU!

Camp Starlight, in Portland, OR has always counted on CandyWrappers for donations to their summer camp for children affected by HIV/AIDS.  I got their most recent list of supplies, and thought I would let y'all know what they still need!

Get out your Oriental Trading catalogs...Costco cards...Amazon Free Shipping accounts and go to town!

I'll find out where folks can send donation do shortly and will post...but keep in mind the following items --- 
Here is the most updated list
Updated 7/11/12

Medical Supplies
11 cans of insect repellent spray
1 pkg loratidine 10 mg tabs
1 pkg children’s ibuprofen tabs

Programming Supplies
Tape – duct tape
Rec Supplies (balls, cones, field equipment)
Disco/dance hall lights
Speaker wire (Standard)
Staple guns/staples
String/rope lights
Marshmallow sticks/skewers
Ritz dye for tie dye (multiple colors)
Large paper cutter (Table top)

Operational supplies
Sleeping bags
Swim suits
Large garbage bags
100% juice packs
Bags of popped movie popcorn
Water bottles

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